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This project funded by the European Union
     About     28 Sep 2018

About ATM4E

ATM4E aimed at integrating existing methodologies for assessment of the environmental impact of aviation, in order to evaluate the implications of environmentally-optimized flight operations to the European ATM network, considering climate, air quality and noise impacts. A modelling concept for climate-optimisation which has been developed in a feasibility study for the North Atlantic has been expanded to a multi-dimensional environmental impact assessment, covering climate, air quality and noise. Different traffic scenarios (present-day and future) are analysed to understand the extent to which environmentally-optimized flights that are planned and optimized based on multi-dimensional environmental criteria (assessment) would lead to changes in air traffic flows and create challenges for ATM. These findings were used to prepare a roadmap compliant with SESAR2020 principles and objectives which would consider the necessary steps and actions that would need to be taken to introduce environmentally-optimized flight operations on a large scale in Europe.


The main objective of the ATM4E project was to explore the feasibility of a concept for environmental assessment of ATM operations working towards environmental optimisation of air traffic operations in the European airspace. This main objective can be divided into four different objectives:
  1. Establish a multi-dimensional environmental change function (ECF) concept, which includeis air quality impact (for key pollutants) and preceived noise in addition to climate impact.
  2. Plan flight trajectories which mitigate the environmental impact for characteristic meteorological situations based on different ATM constraint assumptions and optimization strategies and investigate to what extent the resulting changes in traffic flows lead to particular challenges for air traffic management when such optimization is performed.
  3. Evaluate environmentally-optimized routes in a future atmosphere in a comprehensive climate-chemistry modelling allowing a proof of concept of climate-optimization with daily route analysis.
  4. Develop a roadmap including recommendations and an implementation strategy for the environmental optimization of aircraft trajectories in close collaboration with aviation stakeholders.

Work Packages

Each objective was elaborated in a separate work package. A graphical presentation of the project structure, showing work packages and interactions can be seen in the following Figure (a more detailed description of each work package can be found here):

Related Projects

The following list contains information about a selection of projects which fed into ATM4E:

This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 699395 under European Unionīs Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.